E-Book business communities generate a lot of revenue everyday but sometimes it is difficult for author(s) to earn decent amount because of lack of preparation and research. No matter how unique and interesting your content is, if it doesn't appear on the first or second page of search results, it's highly unlikely that a visitor would ever read it. The story doesn't end here, one must cleverly select the title and cover which attract the reader as it changes the way we think. A neural network approach for the determination of most titles using Doc2Vec can be adopted to increase revenue. It involves training a thin two-layer neural network, which operates in unsupervised mode and form clusters of most similar words (using cosine similarity metric) based on context.

To read more about the technical implications here: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/use-neural-networks-to-find-the-best-words-to-title-your-ebook