The most important way to select in the interviews was behavioral interviews, but with the trend of online coaching classes, it has been a problem to recruit in present days. The interviewers on the basis of the past records used to evaluate and analyze the candidate and also looked for the future prospects from their basic insights. But now with the help of teaching sessions on the interview skills, the candidates know what and how to speak and what to say and what not to. So, it has been a problem for the interviewers to get the right people of the lot. The interviewers for a proper behavioral interview should dig into the details of a candidate so that they get to know the life and experience of the candidates. The interviewers shouldn't ask questions which relate binary outcomes in yes or no but should go for the detailed discussions which include lengthy discussions. There is also an option of judging on the basis of the analytical skills, critical questions and problem solving abilities. The tradition of conducting is not an obsolete technique as a proper way of conducting it gives us a fruitful result.

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