Small businesses are vulnerable to hacking. Hackers attack smaller businesses assuming that they can quickly get in and steal customer data. So, to strengthen the customer data security the following can be followed. The first thing to keep in my mind, is it as data grows the security system should be improved. Next is building up the online sales. Once it can be shown that the threats of hackers and viruses are taken care of, customers will rely on the company more and thus consume online. Third is to use the right technology to protect the data. Installing some software which will constantly monitor the system and give alerts if someone tries to break into the secured information can be helpful. Additional protection measures such as authenticator tabs and biometrics should be considered. Fourth is that only technology shouldn't be relied upon. Fifth is risks shouldn't be underestimated i.e., companies should always be prepared beforehand and have proper security measures. Lastly, it is important for the companies to know where the data is located, this way, they can be prepared in the event of a natural disaster or if any other problem hits the location where the cloud servers are located. Read more at: