With the advancement of technology, the advancement in the hacking sector has also taken place. All types of data are being hacked and misused. To solve this problem, biometrics have come into the play. Smart phones already have finger print and face and voice recognition facilities. These features will now come in the financial sector which would disable hacking or duplication (as can be done with ids and passwords) and hence keeps the data safe. The recent big problem of hacking of the ATMs can be curbed using the biometric technology. Beyond physical characteristics, behavioral biometrics can also track how a consumer swipes a mobile screen or uses a keyboard and recognize fraudulent activities. However, the institutions are not that flexible in terms of adopting the new technology due to coordination problems. The customers, on the other hand, are keen to use this new technology which keeps them safe. Read more at: https://finance.toolbox.com/article/biometrics-play-growing-role-in-security-and-convenience-for-financial-services