Data analytics, especially the predictive ones, enable companies to obtain forward-looking insights they wouldn't otherwise have been privy to -- such as forthcoming changes in customer behavior and buying patterns, or the formation of new market segments as-of-yet unserved by the industry. The problem is that while you typically can't achieve the competitive edge you're looking for without analytics, you can't achieve it when you over-analyze, either which becomes a balancing act. Optimization is certainly a critical part of what companies should seek to derive from analytics, so too is innovation. Analytics becomes exclusively about finding ways to cut costs whereas also about finding ways to be cutting edge. It becomes about protecting today's existing revenue stream and should also be about finding tomorrow's new one. Thus, focusing too much on optimization can have the unintended effect of making organizations afraid to take on any risk. To know more, please read this interesting article by Joanna Schloss at: