One of the most promising trends in IT is the use of data to deliver to individuals- the decade old promise of personalization, which includes delivering the individuals the exact product and services as and when they need them. Nowadays we have a rapidly growing number of choices. Companies and other providers can help us sort these choices by analyzing data on our personal tastes and circumstances combined with analysis of mass data. Personalization increases the prospect of customer loyalty. The time lag between product innovation and commoditization has become shorter.  It establishes a more personal and binding relationship with customers. There are of course dangers. Companies and other data manipulators can use information to harm and some of the information they are gathering is highly private. Although individuals are concerned about their privacy, they are willing to share the most intimate data, if they think that doing so will improve their lives. Many problems need to be sorted out before data driven personalization becomes the norm, but the long term impact of this trend will be better products and services for individuals. Read more at: