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CRM On The Go!

CRM On The Go!

In today’s world, Mobile CRM is becoming important as it helps business to grow and succeed. Mobile CRM helps in decentralizing sales force who are out on the road meeting clients and making deals. The advantages of Mobile CRM are - Selling on the go, you can up-to-date information, easily integrates with mobile devices, provides powerful insights and analytics, and IT costs are reduced. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-ways-mobile-crm-can-boost-your-small-business-73844


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Mastering Social Media

To master social media, learning Social Media Management Software, we can schedule posts at different social media channels to know if someone is complaining or mentioning about me. Adding new features masters us in learning the software better. Automation is everything in social media marketing as we get more time to manage other aspects. But it is a pitfall as we need to respond to changing needs of the clients. Using analytical tools, we can track our followers within each network. Making it interactive and fun with free stuff, no one can stop from being famous with more followers. Do good, feel good – make that a moto. Taking healthy risks be creative enough and check that through SWOT analysis. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/sarah-snow/2015-07-10/how-master-social-marketing-quickly-and-effectively

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The limited success of Social Media Analytics

The strength of social media is that it can answer questions you had not asked and perhaps had not even thought of. Its weakness is that it can't answer most of the questions that market researchers' clients ask. There have been some successes and a couple of examples are

• Assessing campaign or message breaks through.

• Identifying language, topics and ideas.

• Outside market research.

But the key problems are:

• Most people do not comment in social media, and most of the comments are not about clients’ brands and services.

• Social media deals with the world as it is, brands can’t use it to test ads, to test new products and services, or almost any future plan.

• The dynamic quality of social media means that it is very difficult to compare two activities. Thus the accuracy of social media measurements become limited.

• Good social media usage requires people, which tend to make it more expensive and slower.

• It is very difficult to attribute the comments to distinct groups.

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