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Social video marketing: Create conversation and build customer loyalty

Social, video and marketing - these three words have different meanings. But if we club them together then they create a very powerful message which will engage customers and improve their on-line experience. Social video marketing has the power to reach a wide range of consumers. A video carries the exact brand image though just posting a video is not enough to engage consumers. It is important to create conversations in order to engage consumers. In a recent article, Dr. Melody King, vice-president of sales and marketing, Treepodia, speaks about how to start marketing your product via social media. For more details please visit: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2014/24860/social-video-marketing-create-conversations-and-build-customer-loyalty

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Social Media Marketing Strategies to drastically improve your effort

A recent research by Fast Company revealed that 93% of marketers use social media to promote their business.  It is the number one daily activity among Americans. Social media sites, email providers and the Google are eating up the largest chunk of the time spent over the internet. Social media is reaching beyond our traditional perception; it’s getting bigger and bigger with time. From a marketer’s Point of view, if you are not marketing on it, you are likely missing a large chunk of your target consumers. As a product of the Mark Zuckerberg generation, it is easy to understand why people are so obsessed with social media. For marketers, the potential to grow their business via these networks is endless. The following base strategies will help you take control of your social channels and give them a much needed facelift.

·         Create a game plan & stick to it.

·         Treat each channel as an individual entity.

·         Go above & beyond in Customer Service.

·         Embrace any kind of mishaps.

·         Track & talk.

·         Stay active on Google+.

To read more, see Margot da Cunha’s blog by visiting the following link address:


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A"social strategy"- branding through social media!

Recently, Harvard Business Professor Mikołaj Jan Piskorski, spoke about marketing strategy implementation through social media during a conversation with marketing guru & author Mr. Steve Olenski.

Drawing on his analysis of proprietary data from social media sites, Piskorski argues that the secret behind every successful organization is that they allow people to fulfil social needs that either can’t be met offline or can be met only at a much higher cost. This insight provides logic about how companies can leverage social platforms to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Companies need to help people interact with each other, before they promote products to their friends. If all goes fine and right steps are followed, a company’s social media should benefit its customers as well as the firm. Piskorski calls this ‘a social strategy’.

To read more visit the following link:


SigmaWay Consulting Services offer various solutions to help you align your social media efforts to your business goals, from brand awareness to targeting customer base to increase customer satisfaction. For more information, please visit http://www.gosigmaway.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=87&Itemid=555

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Consumer Behavior in the Age of Social Media

Social media plays an important role in searching information  and decision-making behavior of consumers.  A country like India, where 65% of population is youth, uses laptop, tab, Smartphone etc to be socially connected.  Therefore the Brands have realized the importance of social media to reach today’s young generation. For example, if we go to Nike’s Facebook page the entire focus is on fitness and athleticism rather than their products. Another way to connect with consumers is to know the importance of real time marketing which focuses on real time incident. Social media has also molded the consumers to reviewers. 


To read more- visit the following link:


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Social media is the talk of the town. Whether you want to improve your brand value or market your product, the importance of socia... Read More
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Analytics- redefining telecom industry

The last five years, we have seen a massive upsurge of data; we have generated 90 percent of the entire world's data in the last two years!!! Why today analytics is so successful? Just because of availability of data? No! We have to admit the technological advancement we made through the last decade to analyze the available data, also the success can be attributed to the decreased cost of storage space. Twenty years ago, we had all the data analysis tools in place but data was scarce. Today there is a frightening abundance of data... But then what to do with this available data and how! Yeah we got the techniques, but we need the applicability mapping... Think about the applicability of analytics into the telecom sector, which represents an agile supply chain management ...These examples points to the tremendous possibilities that big data offer in telecom sector. But we must never forget the underlying secret: only blue-blooded telecom experts can usher in this exciting telecom future. Today's big buzzword is big data. Its companion, buzzword analytics, is also a big favorite. There are good reasons why this is so. 

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Marketing 3.0- values driven marketing

Philip Kotler, an American author, consultant and professor, defines Marketing 3.0 as values driven marketing – covering the customers’ mind, heart and spirit. The new model for marketing (Marketing 3.0) treats customers not as mere consumers but as complex & multi dimensional human beings that they naturally are.  Customers, in turn, are choosing companies and products that satisfy deeper needs for participation, creativity, community, and idealism.

For more information follow : http://www.mbaskool.com/business-articles/marketing/9010-marketing-30-values-driven-marketing.html




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