
SigmaWay Blog

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CRM Analytics

CRM (customer relationship management) analytics comprises all programming that analyzes data about customers and presents it to help facilitate and streamline better business decisions.
CRM analytics offers insights to understand and use the data that is mined. CRM is used in Customer segmentation groupings, profitability analysis and customer value, personalization, measuring and tracking escalation and predictive modelling.
CRM analytics can lead to better and more productive customer relationships through the evaluation of the organization's customer service, analyzing the customers and verifying user data. CRM analytics can lead to improvement in supply chain management.
A major challenge is to integrate existing systems with the analytical software. If the system does not integrate, it is difficult to utilize collected data.
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Artificial Intelligence at your Service

In the current scenario, AI is a big game changer in customer service, interaction and transitions. It uses data to effectively target the right audience with right content for best consumer experience. It has made Customer Relationship Management smarter then ever. AI-enabled chatbots render an ideal customer success paradigm. AI uses knowledge-base for customer success team. It improves customer success automation. Read more at: 



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Advantages of Automating Marketing Campaigns

Earlier, social media marketing campaigns were easy to manage. But, as followers increases, it becomes difficult to manage. Then, you will start to realize that you do not have enough time to interact with followers, create content, and monitor brand mentions all on your own. But, by using c and automated marketing, you can manage your campaigns with ease. For that you can add social media data to your CRM as social CRM helps in adding and managing several new accounts to your marketing campaign. Moreover, this helps you in interacting with your followers easily. Read more at: https://www.business2community.com/marketing-automation/simplify-social-media-automated-marketing-02042833


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Ways to hold existing customers

There are many ways in which a first-time customer will feel enticed to be a full-time customer and maintain a long relationship with the company. One should understand the profile of the typical customer of the company and segment the group both geographically and demographically. Giving customer's a positive experience by accurately replying to their queries goes a long way. Companies should understand that customer retention is much more than the cost incurred in the advertising campaigns. While offering subscription information, companies should keep in mind not to cost their customers anything. Rather, moving subscriptions to social media can reach thousands customers within minutes. Hence social media posts should be updated according to the customers interests. Read more at :



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How Artificial Intelligence Is Powering Retail

According to authors, the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) creates several opportunities for retailers to improve their customer services , insights and business processes. AI makes it possible to generate insights on a scale like never before, it does this by combining customer data  across all platforms( from social media to CRM) like past purchases, search habits, click behavior, age, gender, season of the year and various other variables and self learning algorithms. By crawling the web and aggregating various forms of customer data, AI gives retailers the opportunity to engage with customers on a more personal level. Through chat applications such as Facebook and Messenger and by using chat bots on websites, the potential customers can communicate with the retailers using speech or text, that will assess and answer customer queries, thereby assisting in the selection process and helping in the execution of simple tasks. Read more at https://aitrends.com/retail/robots-ai-retail-8-things-must-know/




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Is Centralized Intelligence System a need of the hour?

Though all forms of market intelligence are not helpful to track customer loyalty or his preferences, a centralized intelligence system can bring consumer behavior insights. Intelligence in a market or an army is comparable as in both the cases remote insights bring limited information whereas central intelligence provides a more vast and detailed picture. Having an updated CRM could help tailoring the messages sent to prospective customers and more personalization is possible. It would predict customers’ next move. Read more at : http://www.optimove.com/blog/centralized-intelligence-system-will-win-customer-loyalty-battle 


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Intent Data: Connecting right buyers to sellers

The prospect's intent is demonstrated by the frequency of searches on a particular topic from that particular account. Such data is called "Intent Data" .External Intent data( Third -party providers) and Internal data ( CRM and Contact Form) are the sources for such data. It eliminates all the guesswork and saves time by looking out for companies which are researching for our goods and services and then providing them quality content. Till now only 17% companies make use of advances marketing techniques such as intent data. Such knowledge will be a competitive advantage. One of the main advantages is targeting different buyers in the same organization. Overall it would generate more sales.Read more at : http://www.business2community.com/big-data/reach-buyers-matter-intent-data-01851493#d6OimfSHLPcfr9gb.97


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Why CRM plays a major role in impacting sales ?

CRM is the major contributor of many businesses, but sometimes it turns out to be an inefficient and expensive sales killer. The truth behind this is most CRM platforms aren’t intended to help the end users who work with them day in and day out that is your sales representative. Most of them waste time in doing manual data entry. When there is poor execution of CRM, the organization has an insufficient picture of how it is selling its products. The data we are seeing is incomplete and possibly misleading. To know more, please read the following article: http://www.business2community.com/big-data/4-reasons-big-data-failed-impact-sales-01787213#R6gklCOP8mL83XgS.97

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Advantages of CRM in Healthcare

Advantages of CRM in Healthcare

In the past few decades, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has evolved and is being implemented in various industries. What used to be typically connected with retail industry, is now projected to reach $17.5 billion by 2025 in healthcare industry. Within this industry, this software benefits in the following areas:

  •         Billing
    CRM software assist in collecting and updating customer payment details, tracking transactions and getting real time insights into payments processing using analytics tools          
  • Outreach
    By getting better access to customer data, CRM users reach out to different segments of customers and also maintain continuous communication with them.
  •          Workflow Automation
    By automating workflows using CRM, customer retention can be increased by 27%.
  •          Data Security
    CRM enhances security by encrypting sensitive information and creating data backups.
  •         Compliance
    Unlawful data fines can be prevented by using CRM to simplify HIPAA and other compliance requirement processes.
  •          Patient Satisfaction
    Patient satisfaction levels can be increased by implementing CRM at each level of interaction with them.

    To know more, please read the following article at insidecrm.com:


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Companies and Relationship Intelligence

How do companies attract and engage new clients while making sure the existing clients are happy? The simple answer to this question is, manage.

However, you will not find many executives who would respond to this conjecture candidly. You will, however, find plenty of companies that take the “we manage” approach with one of its most valuable assets: relationships.

While running any enterprise technology company, we’ve seen just how consistently data can be used to help improve sales. But we do know, all its good intentions to provide sales managers with a way to monitor pipeline and sales activity, CRM is still hugely inefficient. Representatives are required to spend time manually entering data, and then spend more time searching through it. While senior management clearly values the ability to monitor these representatives through CRM, the vast majority of sales people dislike the extra work and overhead it creates and generally use CRM begrudgingly – and rarely to its full potential.

Read more at : http://www.business2community.com/strategy/relationship-intelligence-companies-acquire-01702402#tAmo7XUOWfJJ6g3Z.97

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What to do in Content Development

All businesses that are able to invest in content development are in for the best investment in the long-run. When people ask that what are some of the biggest challenges of developing tons of content? The answer is mostly organization. The key mantra to effective content management is to manage or organize your own marketing.

Those businesses with a documented content marketing strategy are far more likely to consider themselves effective at content marketing. They will also feel significantly less challenged with every aspect of content marketing, as they will generally be considered more effective in their use of all content marketing tactics and social media channels. All this enables them to justify spending a higher percentage of their marketing budget on content marketing.


Read more: http://www.business2community.com/content-marketing/5-useful-facts-regarding-content-development-01680328#Q5CHJbYX5MZkSVFG.97


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How are CRM systems beneficial to start-ups?

Many a times start-ups fail due to internal communication problems or lack of knowledge on work processes. Here customer relationship management (CRM) systems have an important role to play to manage and promote early growth of the businesses. Here are a few advantages of a CRM system for a start-up business:-

1. Access to automation process by an integrated CRM system saves time and money.

2. CRM is a beneficial tool for marketing as it can handle email marketing communications, following up with sales leads and continuing to promote the messages of the business.

3. CRM enables to tailor the data and make meaningful analysis for the businesses.

4. CRM provides a personalised first-class customer experience that makes a start-up unique from others.

To continue the business in the long run it is very important to have a service system that provides automation process, stores customer information and improves marketing efforts.

To read more follow: - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-reasons-crm-systems-work-for-startups-74141


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Ways to improve influencer marketing through social CRM

Nowadays social influencers are replacing word-of-mouth recommendations as it goes far beyond the typical CRM functionality to add in social network streams, messages and mentions to customer data. It is essential to have detailed information about the influencer. This may include the frequency used hashtags, style of recommending products, brands they promote and company mentions. To make a note of each influencer is the best way to approach the individual and track conversations with them. It is very important to coordinate with the influencer by tracking initial messages, follow-ups and other significant events. It is vital to know whether the influencer is positive, negative or neutral about a topic by analyzing the content for the overall sentiment towards the brand, competitors and products. CRMs must handle the process of influencer targeting in real time as it shows the impact of active marketing campaigns on brand awareness and sentiment. Businesses may also find an influencer among their customers. Connecting social CRM with influencer marketing will definitely prove beneficial for the businesses. To read more follow:- http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-to-use-social-crm-for-influencer-marketing-74109

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Boosting Business With CRM

Boosting Business With CRM

Expansion of business means leveraging client relationships. CRM helps to achieve business growth, CRM provides a solution for achieving business growth and developing client relationships. This article explores how CRM grows your business, which includes boosting agility, increasing revenue and improving efficiency. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/3-ways-crm-helps-to-grow-your-business-73820


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Internet Of (Every)Thing!

Internet Of (Every)Thing!

The internet makes the world a small place. It brings everybody and everything closer and helps in communication. Customer Relationship Management or CRM as we call it is getting revolutionized by the Internet of Things (IoT). They are now being able to access data from IoT to enhance customer experience and improve services. Companies are able to shift strategies, change decisions in a flick of a second, because all information is now available at the tip of their finger. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-joins-the-internet-of-things-73690


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CRM systems are now integrated!

A provider of loan portfolio and risk management solutions to bank and credit unions, has declared the integration of the solutions to their clients with the popular CRM systems. This reduces the no. of errors made by the loan departments as they no longer will enter the same data into multiple systems. U.S banks and credit unions are already taking advantage of these applications like Workflow, Credit Analysis and Loan administration which enables them store and analyse all loan and borrower information. To read more follow: - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-system-integration-offered-by-bank-software-provider-73886


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B2B v/s B2C CRM solutions

Customer relationship management (CRM) plays an important role in the sales department. 

The B2B CRM features include:

1. Vast lead development:-this feature allows easy delivery to build a strong relationship between the customer and the company.

2. Provides a platform for multiple decision makers rather than creating separate records for each individual.

3. It helps to deal with the complexities of sale processes.

4. Provides tailor-made products to satisfy the customers

5. To maintain and maximize the client lifetime value, one-to-one account management is an important feature.

The B2C CRM features include:

1. The amount of leads dealt with in B2C CRM is far greater than B2B CRM.

2. It also provides integrated customer service.

3. B2C prospects can be viewed easily by the latest social media updates from the CRM

4. Quick follow-ups with the consumers.

5. It requires real time data to stay updated about their customers. 

Both B2B and B2C CRM has its own advantages so the application must be selected which is best suited to the requirements.

To read more: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/the-differences-between-b2b-and-b2c-crm-solutions-73757


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Some basic things about CRM

A customer relationship management (CRM) is a database which keeps all the data about the customers, their name, what they like. It determines which factor is driving the customers and which makes them angry. CRM works efficiently, when the customer calls, gives all the information like customers' name, age, if he has some disability, his all transactions with the company. All this information comes up on a single screen. CRM also has many key features which will help to know about the system. Read more at: https://www.callcentrehelper.com/an-introduction-to-customer-relationship-management-crm-systems-88296.htm


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Optimal use of Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis is now getting more popular as most B2B companies are using it to expand their businesses. But what is important here is to target the right people/accounts. The best way to do this to look at the CRM (customer relationship management) but there is a dearth of optimal databases. To expand their databases, companies are coming up with new marketing ideas, prompting people to view their websites, generating leads and opportunities. But this method may be tedious and costly. Thus we can say that predictive analysis should be used to identify appropriate a/c targets as well as increase the no. of contracts from cost effective marketing programs. To read more:



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Some basic CRM features, small firms should know

Business firms invest in Customer Relationship Management or CRM to maintain their database and contacts, along with other aspects to help them truly succeed. It's really important which features they are choosing. This article explores which features small business firms should choose to increase their ROI. They are: Sales and Lead Generation, The Versatile Access to Your CRM Software, Flexibility and Integration capabilities, Automating the day to day activities, Sales pipeline tracking. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-crm-features-that-are-unknown-to-small-organizations-73499

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