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BI dashboards and why should we choose them!

Irrespective of the business sphere one belongs, it is necessary to keep a business intelligence dashboard which increases the ability to correctly monitor data and also helps in decision making. Four major reasons why BI dashboard is to be maintained can be listed as follows: • Increased consumability as a result of keeping track of the collected data and information and converting them to analytic charts and tables.
• Data sometimes gets useless within a period of time and an up-to-date BI dashboard helps avoiding this problem.
• Moving towards one goal is necessary,  even if the system is departmentalized, BI gives a bigger picture to move towards that goal
• Finally, a BI dashboard gives the accurate results and also makes it quicker. Read more at: http://www.plasmacomp.com/blogs/4-reasons-to-implement-bi-dashboard-into-your-business%20
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Integrating Business Analytics and ERP

Analytics has become much easier with the introduction of ERP. ERP nowadays includes a large no. of analytical and business intelligence tools. So this has made analysis much advanced as the emphasis in the modern ERP system is on practicality rather than comprehensiveness. But it is important to note that the businesses have to provide training to obtain the full benefits of these software. Another important thing is that business analysis must be introduced to people before the tools. Business intelligence must be an essential part of the corporate culture as BI tools gives better and more accurate information and solutions rather than a simple Excel spreadsheet. Introducing the managers to an environment of dashboards (which supplies enormous information at a glance) can simplify the analytical business culture. To read more follow:- http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/business-analytics-and-erp-74058


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How can the intertwining of business intelligence and online marketing create waves in today’s world?

In today's highly competitive online marketplace, marketers must utilize every advantage they can get. Business intelligence (BI) software can help you look at your data in different ways, and draw actionable insights to allow allocating resources more effectively. BI software can use large amount of datasets, so you can execute successful strategies on the basis of information. By controlling the right key performance indicators (KPIs), businesses can look at trends that would otherwise be hidden. Online marketers have different indicators which are : 1)The Basics  2)Return On Investment 3)Incremental Sales 4)Conversions by Campaign 5)Cost per Lead 6)Visitor to Buyer Ratio 7)Sales by Lead Source 8)Social Media 9)Tracking Keywords. By visualizing sales funnel with business intelligence software, you can get a good view of how your customers move through the sales process from an initial lead to a sale. Having the correct data displayed in a dashboard format can enable your company be proactive instead of reactive.Read more about this aspect at Jayson DeMers (Founder and CEO, AudienceBloom)'s article link: 


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How to get most from Google Analytics Solutions Gallery?

Google released the Dashboard Analytics Solutions Gallery more than a year ago, but marketers are yet to take full advantage of this free resource. Most advanced Google Analytics users have created custom dashboards but few have imported templates from the Solutions Gallery.This reluctance is caused by unavailability of proper support stuff, limited usage process information &preference of custom made solutions etc. However, Google Analytics Solutions Gallerydashboards can be used to find insights and drive more profit.To use it as your advantage, the following steps can be followed:

·         1st: Decide about what insights you are actually looking for.

·         2nd: Create new Dashboard & import from Gallery.

·         3rd:Filter Gallery results by Popularity, Reviews, Category or Type.

·         4th: View Data, look for insights, & Automate Reporting.

·         5th: Edit, Customize or Segment Data as required.

To read more, visit the following link:


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